Articles on: Percs (

Types of Frames

Frames come in different types on our Hub, each offering unique functionalities.

We currently have these frame types available to you:

Email Capture Frames: Capture emails with interactive forms. Grow your audience and gain insights without users leaving Farcaster. Design subscription forms or collect newsletter signups directly within a Frame. It's seamless engagement and simplified data collection.

Ecommerce Frames: Showcase products, enable browsing, and purchases. Create immersive virtual storefronts, driving sales and user engagement within the platform. A frictionless shopping experience for your users that fosters loyalty and builds a strong following for your brand.

Slideshow Frames: Create looped slideshows with interactive buttons. Showcase portfolios, product catalogs, or narratives with captivating visuals. Users can explore at their own pace for a dynamic content experience.

More Frame Types are on their way!

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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