Articles on: PERCS NFT Gating (Shopify)

Create exclusive discounts on product(s) for NFT holders


Exclusive discounts for NFT holders is an excellent way to provide utility to and connect with your community. When creating a tokengated discount campaign PERCS will automatically create a discount rule in your Shopify store, while these values can be edited it's important to be mindful of what these changes can impact. The main reason to do so is discussed in the Combining discounts section below and this doc

Discounts on a Shopify Store

Since the discounts are created on the Shopify platform all the discount rules created by Shopify trump any settings created by PERCS. This information can be found in this doc by Shopify

Combining discounts

When creating a tokengated discount campaign the discount rule is set to not combine with other discounts by default. These values can be edited with more information on how to do so in this doc

As stated in the above section discount rules created by Shopify trump any settings created by PERCS. More details on Shopify's discount combination rules can be found in this doc by Shopify. These rules are changed frequently by Shopify but as of the date this doc was last edited these are the key restrictions

Customers can use a maximum of 5 product or order discount codes and 1 shipping discount code on the same order.
When multiple product discounts apply to the same line item, only the best discount is applied.
Multiple order discounts can apply to the same order.

Create tokengating exclusive discounts on product(s) for NFT holders

Under the Campaigns section click the Add campaign button
Enter the name of your campaign - it's recommended to add unique info such as date of creation
For campaign utillity Type under the PERCS section select Product discount
For Discount Type select and enter the value for the following options:
Fixed amount
Percentage (if using a 100% discount choose Fixed amount and read the section below titled Product giveaway using a discount campaign)
For Campaign redemption limit choose:
No Limit
Set Limit the value entered will be how many discounts each NFT can redeem for this campaign
Select the Products included in this campaign, more info in this doc
Select the Audiences included in this campaign, more info in this doc
Configure Pop-up UI, more info in this doc
Click the Save button

Can I have different tiers of discount for different traits or holders on the same product

Absolutely! However each tier would need a campaign, for example if there are three tiers of discounts (10%, 20%, 30%) there would need to be three tokengating campaigns one for each tier

It's important that any settings for the tokengating pop-up UI is the same for each campaign with a stacked discount

Is there a limit to how many products can be included with a discount campaign

Yes, but it can vary on the store, PERCS has supported 50+ products on a single discount campaign. PERCS recommends testing end to end if creating a campaign with 50+ products to ensure the product pages load as expected.

Can I create an order discount?

Using the PERCS Shopify plug-in to create tokengated discounts creates campaigns on products. You can create a campaign with multiple products included as outlined in this doc. One of the downsides of this approach is that this will not track if a product has been added to your store and there is a Shopify upper limit to how many products can be on a discount campaign before the product page will not load as expected.

PERCS supports order discounts using the Hub product currently in private beta but has successfully ran order discount campaigns with Steve Aoki. If you would like more information please reach out to

Product giveaway using a discount campaign

NFT holders can claim a product for free using a discount campaign. Spottie Wifi gave a vinyl to each holder of his "The King's Alpha" collection using this recipe.

!!! Note it's important that a campaign like this uses a Fixed amount for Discount Type with the value being the price of the product. If the campaign has a Percentage for Discount Type with a value of 100% the holder could increase the quantity and redeem the set at 100% off.

Updated on: 29/01/2024

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